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Nils Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld, född 18 november 1832 i Helsingfors, Finland, död 12 augusti 1901 på Dalbyö i Västerljungs socken, var en finlandssvensk adelsman upphöjd till friherre i Sverige, geolog, mineralog, polarfarare, upptäcktsresande, ledamot av Svenska Akademien samt även ledamot av Sveriges riksdag Nordenskiöld's father, Nils Gustaf Nordenskiöld, was a prominent Finnish mineralogist, civil servant and traveller. He was also a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences . Adolf Erik was the father of Gustaf Nordenskiöld (explorer of Mesa Verde ) and Erland Nordenskiöld ( ethnographer of South America ) and maternal uncle of Nils Otto Gustaf Nordenskjöld (another polar explorer). Nils Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld (18. marraskuuta 1832 Helsinki – 12. elokuuta 1901 Dalbyö, Ruotsi) oli suomalaissyntyinen Ruotsissa vaikuttanut geologi, mineralogi ja naparetkeilijä.
Adolf Erik, Baron Nordenskiöld, in full Nils Adolf Erik, Baron Nordenskiöld, (born November 18, 1832, Helsinki, Finland—died August 12, 1901, Dalbyö, Sweden), Swedish geologist, mineralogist, geographer, and explorer who sailed from Norway to the Pacific across the Asiatic Arctic, completing the first successful navigation of the Northeast Passage. This collection is one of the most complete in its kind.It is most comprehensive concerning the oldest printed cartographic atlases, geographical works and travel literature, collected by the founder of the history of cartography, Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld (1832-1901, born in Finland, died in Sweden Elämäkerta Varhaiset vaiheet. Nordenskiöld kuului ruotsalaistaustaiseen, aateloituun Nordenskiöld-sukuun.Hänen isänsä oli Suomen mineralogian isäksikin kutsuttu tutkija Nils Nordenskiöld (1792–1866) ja äiti von Haartman-sukuun kuulunut Margareta Sofia von Haartman, jonka veli oli senaatin talousosaston varapuheenjohtaja Lars Gabriel von Haartman. Nils Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld, född 18 november 1832 i Helsingfors, Finland, död 12 augusti 1901 på Dalbyö i Västerljungs socken, var en finlandssvensk adelsman upphöjd till friherre i Sverige, geolog, mineralog, polarfarare, upptäcktsresande, ledamot av Svenska Akademien samt även ledamot av Sveriges riksdag Nordenskiöld had extensive knowledge of Arctic history and conditions, and he seemed to have a high environmental literacy. (Environmental literacy is an organized way of thinking about the environment that includes knowledge, attitudes, and active involvement, and requires the ability to think beyond the conventional categories.) Trois cartes précolombiennes représentant une partie de l'Amérique (Groenland) : fac-simile présentés au Congrès international des Américanistes à Copenhague / par A. E. Nordenskiöld. (1883)[Leather Bound] Nordenskiöld A. E. (Adolf Erik) Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld va nàixer en Hèlsinki, fill del prestigiós mineròleg Nils Gustaf Nordenskiöld. Va passar tota la seua infantesa en Mäntsälä .
Svenska polar-expeditionen år 1872-1873 under ledning af
Folio, publisher's half morocco gilt, backstrip dried and worn at ends; hinges cracked. Buy Nordenskioeld: Notice Sur Sa Vie Et Ses Voyages (Classic Reprint) by Flahault, Charles online on Amazon.ae at best prices. Fast and free shipping free returns cash on … COLLECTION REPORT Nordenskiöld, AE. Coordinates available for 21 records of Nordenskiöld, AE. Retrieved 32 records in database Buy the Paperback Book Vega-Expeditionens Vetenskapliga Iakttagelser, Volume 3 by AE Nordenskiöld at Indigo.ca, Canada's largest bookstore. Free shipping and pickup in store on eligible orders.
A. E. Nordenskiöld Open Library
Buy Nordenskioeld: Notice Sur Sa Vie Et Ses Voyages (Classic Reprint) by Flahault, Charles online on Amazon.ae at best prices. Fast and free shipping free returns cash on … COLLECTION REPORT Nordenskiöld, AE. Coordinates available for 21 records of Nordenskiöld, AE. Retrieved 32 records in database Buy the Paperback Book Vega-Expeditionens Vetenskapliga Iakttagelser, Volume 3 by AE Nordenskiöld at Indigo.ca, Canada's largest bookstore.
af A.E. Nordenskiöld. by Carl Wilhelm Scheele; A E Nordenskiöld. Book Microform : Microfilm : Master microform. Objektsbeskrivning NORDENSKIÖLD, ADOLF ERIK (1832-1901), friherre, polarforskare, geograf, geolog, mineralog. Samling omfattande egenhändigt skrivna
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Proofread the page now! Här nedan syns maskintolkade texten från faksimilbilden ovan. Ser du något fel? Nordenskiöld made his most famous expedition in 1878-1880. He navigated the 'North-east passage' on the Vega from northern Norway to the Bering Strait and described his journey in several books.
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Upptäcktsresanden A.E. Nordenskiöld – Wikipedia
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Ur: ?A. E. Nordenskiöld, Studier och forskningar föranledda af mina resor i höga norden?. KJELLMAN, F. R.. Prix: EUR 30,70. Autre devise. "Jemte en historisk återblick på föregåene resor längs gamla verldens nordkust". Illustrationer och kartor. Rött klotband med skinnrygg.