... 2- III - , Etc. - Vladimir Antonovich - häftad - Adlibris
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Länkbefälhavare för det 127: e Fighter Aviation Regiment (8 personliga segrar och 2 grupp segrar) Antonovych was a longtime Professor of Russian history at Saint Vladimir Imperial University of Kiev and a correspondent-member of the St. Petersburg Imperial Academy of Sciences. His main work was an edition of the eight-section Archives of South-Western Russia. Antonovich Vladimir He graduated from the Kievan St Vladimir University, In 1860, he defended his thesis ‘On the Negro Trade’. His Doctor’s thesis was ‘The Essay on the history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania up to the death of Grand Duke Olgerd’ (1878).
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Волынскаго полка подъ Vladimir Antonovich Zorich To cite this article: A. I. Aptekarev et al 2018 Russ. Math. Surv. 73 935 View the article online for updates and enhancements. This content was downloaded from IP address on 25/04/2020 at 22:05 Vladimir A. Zorich, “Holomorphic Distributions and Connectivity by Integral Curves of Distributions”, SIGMA, 15 (2019), 070, 6 pp. 3. V. A. Zorich, “A remark on the distribution of values for functions of a large number of variables”, Teor.
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1932), Ukrainian Communist Party leader. Vladimir Antonovich Ivashko was born in the Poltava region of Ukraine and made his career in politics. He graduated from the Kharkiv Mining Institute in 1956 and joined the Communist Party in 1960. View Vladimir Antonovich’s profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community.
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People Projects Discussions Surnames Vladimir Antonovich Zorich's 47 research works with 130 citations and 396 reads, including: Holomorphic distributions and connectivity by integral curves of distributions Vladimir A. Zorich, “Holomorphic Distributions and Connectivity by Integral Curves of Distributions”, SIGMA, 15 (2019), 070, 6 pp. 3. V. A. Zorich, “A remark on the distribution of values for functions of a large number of variables”, Teor. Vladimir Antonovich Zorich To cite this article: A. I. Aptekarev et al 2018 Russ.
He graduated from the Kievan St Vladimir University, In 1860, he defended his thesis ‘On the Negro Trade’. His Doctor’s thesis was ‘The Essay on the history of the Grand
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View the profiles of people named Vladimir Antonovich. Join Facebook to connect with Vladimir Antonovich and others you may know. Facebook gives people
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Alafuzov, Vladimir Antonovich Born June 4 (17), 1901, in Riga; died May 30, 1966, in Leningrad.
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Vladimir Antonovich Zorich (Владимир Антонович Зорич; born December 16, 1937, Moscow) is a Soviet and Russian mathematician, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1969), Professor (1971).
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Join Facebook to connect with Vladimir Antonovich and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. Vladimir Antonovich, Elinext Group's CTO, said: “We are committed to our mission of providing professional and secure software solutions to clients all over the world. Elinext Group Leverages Latest QR Code and NFC Technologies in Mobile App Development Vladimir Antonovich: 942 ships destroyed and 116 ships lost.
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Efter Yaroslav den Ivan Antonovich (1740-1741);. Elizaveta Vladimir Kirillovich 18. Namn på pojken, mellannamn Antonovich Alexey Ilyich; Matvey Ilyich; Timofey Ilyich; Roman Ilyich; Vladimir Iljitj Till exempel kommer Alexander Alexandrovich definitivt att vara San Sanych, Vladislav Vladislavovich förvandlas till Vlad Vladycha eller Slav Kristendomen var redan känd i Ryssland redan före Vladimir dop. N.G. Ustryalov, V.B. Antonovich, S.V. Eshevsky, M.S. Grushevsky) såg i den nya religionen. I oktober 1872 valdes tjugonio år gammal rådgivare Vladimir Antonovich Rybitsky till borgmästare. 1879 ersatte Baron honom som Jalta Delvig Anton Antonovich (1798-1831) - baron, rysk poet, kritiker, utgivare, vän av den populära tidningen Vestnik Evropy, Vladimir Izmailov. professor V. Antonovich - ”den grå kardinalen i ukrainsk historisk vetenskap”.