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The most downloaded articles from Journal of Nuclear Materials in the last 90 days. Primary radiation damage: A review of current understanding and models - Open access 15 December 2018 Journal of Nuclear Materials is a journal covering the technologies/fields/categories related to Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Nuclear and High Energy Physics (Q1); Nuclear Energy and Engineering (Q1). It is published by Elsevier BV. The overall rank of Journal of Nuclear Materials is 3313. Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Nuclear Materials University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States of America Professor Was received his ScD from MIT in 1980.

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Journal of Nuclear Materials journal homepage: www.elsevier. com. TheJournal of Nuclear Materialspublishes high quality papers in materials research for nuclear applications, primarily fission reactors, fusion reactors, and  4 Dec 2015 The IAEA's Nuclear Material Laboratory (NML) receives, processes and Uranium and plutonium are nuclear materials that can be used to  20 Nov 2013 Journal reference: Fifteenth International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM 15). Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 442,  9 Dec 2008 Title proper: Journal of nuclear materials.

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The Journal of Nuclear Materials Management (JNMM) is the official journal of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management. JNMM is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal that publishes articles on new developments, innovations, and trends in safeguards and management of nuclear materials. S756 M.R. Gilbert et al./Journal of Nuclear Materials 442 (2013) S755–S760 realistic to assume that the irradiation conditions found for FW on DEMO in the previous section are very close to those that would be Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volumes 367-370, 2007, Pages 603-609 Ferritic steels have a DBTT in which the fracture mode changes from ductile at high temperatures to brittle at low temperatures, and this can be measured by conducting Charpy tests at different temperatures. 2. The Database and Network Design a Structural Materials Group, Institute of Nuclear Materials Science, SCK-CEN, Boeretang 200, B-2400 Mol, Belgium bSchool of Physics, CSEC and SUPA, The University of Edinburgh, Mayfield Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JZ, UK cUnité de Matériaux et Techniques, UMR 8207, Université Lille-1, F-59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq Cédex, France Journal of Nuclear Materials 491 (2017) 206e212 with the calculated result by the first-principle calculations [16]. The diffusion coefficient of H in W was evaluated using the har- nuclear material.

Journal of nuclear materials

joint, and nuclear household systems: Norway, China, and the United States”, marriage in Sweden, 1870–1900”, i Scandinavian journal ofhistory, 2013:3. The Journal of Nuclear Materials publishes high quality papers in materials research for nuclear applications, primarily fission reactors, fusion reactors, and similar environments including radiation areas of charged particle accelerators. Both original research and critical review papers covering experimental, theoretical, and computational aspects of either fundamental or applied nature are welcome. The Journal of Nuclear Materials publishes high quality papers in materials research for nuclear applications, primarily fission reactors, fusion reactors, and similar environments including radiation areas of charged particle accelerators. Both original research and critical review papers Read the latest articles of Journal of Nuclear Materials at ScienceDirect.com, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature The Journal of Nuclear Materials publishes high quality papers in materials research for nuclear applications, primarily fission reactors, fusion reactors, and similar environments including radiation areas of charged particle accelerators.
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Journal of nuclear materials

The ISO4 abbreviation of Journal of Nuclear Materials is J. Nucl.

/ Journal of Nuclear Materials 518 (2019) 440e460 441 taken as a constant, this quantity varies from alloy to alloy and varies during different stages of corrosion [23,26].
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Comprehensive Nuclear Materials: Konings, Rudy, Stoller

longer than those in Zircaloy-4, but with the same aspect ratio, as shown in Table 2. Wider grains have been previously reported to be associated with better corrosion resistance [3]. The average nificant simplication relative to the in-service behavior of nuclear fuel. As a result, this approach is appropriate for determining the D.S. Li et al./Journal of Nuclear Materials 392 (2009) 22–27 23 Scope The Journal of Nuclear Materials Management (JNMM) is the official journal of the Institute.

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Supporting publication. The Journal of Nuclear Materials publishes high quality papers in materials research for nuclear applications, primarily fission reactors, fusion reactors, and similar environments including radiation areas of charged particle accelerators. Both original research and critical review papers covering experimental, theoretical, and computational aspects of either Kinetics of self-interstitial cluster aggregation near dislocations and their influence on hardening Ming Wena,*, Akiyuki Takahashib, Nasr M. Ghoniema a Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California, 420 Westwood Plaza, Ste. 48-121, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA bDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Tokyo University of Science, Chiba, Japan nuclear material. Thorium metal and its compounds have been widely investigated both experimentally and theoretically since metal thorium was discovered in 1828. Among thorium com-pounds, thorium dioxide ThO 2, which is a stable diamagnetic transparent insulating solid, has attracted special attention. In K.A. Terrani et al./Journal of Nuclear Materials 448 (2014) 420–435 421.

of the inner regions of the containment structures of the damaged nuclear reactor. North America, with further materials from Western Europe, Cambridge, 1972. joint, and nuclear household systems: Norway, China, and the United States”, marriage in Sweden, 1870–1900”, i Scandinavian journal ofhistory, 2013:3. The Journal of Nuclear Materials publishes high quality papers in materials research for nuclear applications, primarily fission reactors, fusion reactors, and similar environments including radiation areas of charged particle accelerators. Both original research and critical review papers covering experimental, theoretical, and computational aspects of either fundamental or applied nature are welcome. The Journal of Nuclear Materials publishes high quality papers in materials research for nuclear applications, primarily fission reactors, fusion reactors, and similar environments including radiation areas of charged particle accelerators.