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SOLTEQ OYJ 0G5H Overview - Search stock, chart, recent trades, company information, trading information, company news, fundamentals Get the latest Solteq Oyj (SOLTEQ) real-time quote, historical performance, charts, and other financial information to help you make more informed trading and investment decisions. Stock Market Quotes Interactive brokers The best of tweets Stock Market News Börse: Aktien, Kurse und Nachrichten Copyright © 2021 Surperformance. All rights reserved. Stock quotes are provided by Factset, Morningstar and S&P Capital IQ Solteq Oyj stock price ended on 5.15€ on Friday after gaining 0.98% (Updated on March 26, 2021) Buy or Hold candidate since 2020-10-01 Gain 225.95% PDF . The Solteq Oyj stock price gained 0.98% on the last trading day (Friday, 26th Mar 2021), rising from 5.10€ to 5.15€.
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maaliskuu 2021 Solteq Plc, Stock Exchange Bulletin, March 30, 2021 at 11:30 a.m.. The Annual General Meeting of Solteq Plc was held in Vantaa today March Software services company Solteq Oyj wanted their new location in Aviabulevard , Vantaa to fulfil the company's current needs and especially to support the Our Products – SOLTEQ® equipment for engineering education by the brand name SOLTEQ® IPO on MESDAQ Technology Board, Malaysian Stock.
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Out of stock. iWhite Instant Dark Stains -valkaisupaketti 6x0,8 g. SWEDISH MATCH: ZYN SÄLJS NU I CA 55.000 USA-BUTIKER STOCKHOLM (Nyhetsbyrån Direkt) Swedish Match nationella lansering av den EMMELLE ORIGINAL VALKAISEVA HAMMASTAHNA X75ML. 8,45 €. Out of stock. iWhite Instant Dark Stains -valkaisupaketti 6x0,8 g.
av J Wikström — information like, for instance suppliers and stock. The purpose of this thesis is to Solteq Solax och det andra Arrow Maint. Krav på programmet av Fiskars:. Solteq Oyj · Solteq Oyj, ++ 0.93 %0,93%, ++ 0.05 EUR0,05 EUR, 5.4 5,40, 5,36, 5,40, 5.36 5,36 / 5.4 5,40, 5,40, 5,34, 0 MEUR0 MEUR, 01:08:45, Solteq Oyj.
SOLTEQDSOLTEQ OYJ. 5.12, −1.16%, −0.06, Neutral, 21.523K, 100.474M, 50.49, 0.10, 597, Elektronisk teknik. U. UPONORDUPONOR OYJ. 20.20, 0.60%
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Solteq Plc directed a share issue on March 8, 2021, totalling to 89,974 shares, SOLTEQ TO PURCHASE THE CAPITAL STOCKS OF ITS MANAGEMENT PAYING SOLTEQ OYJ BOARD MEMBERS´FEES IN THE FORM OF SHARES Closing stock price (6-Apr-2021) Solteq's current market capitalization is €102 m.
SOLTEQ, Solteq Oyj, (FI0009007991) Trading; Overview; Performance; Key Ratios; Financials; Fact Sheet ; Company Fact Sheet FAQ & Methodology
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HEL:SOLTEQ's dividend information, updated for Apr 2021. StockRank™ Dividends made by Solteq Oyj from their annual profits to their shareholders are 1. maaliskuu 2021 Stock Exchange Bulletin March 1, 2021 at 08:00 a.m.. Solteq Plc has today signed a business transfer agreement, whereby Partiture Oy's Solteq is a member of Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. 8 Sep 2015 Peltonen LMR acted as the legal advisor for Solteq Plc in the acquisition of the entire stock capital and the capital loans of Descom Group Oy. 23 Mar 2020 Solteq Group's revenue was 58.3 million euros, operating profit 5.7 million euros and 15,000 Solteq Plc shares on December 31, 2019. 5 Apr 2017 Solteq has acquired share majority of Analyteq Oy. Analyteq Oy specialises in producing a stock replenishment service based on demand 2021-03-30 10:30:00 Kommuniké från årsstämma, Solteq Oyj: Varsinaisen 2021-03-18 08:15:00 Totalt antal rösträtter och kapital, New shares in Solteq Plc Köp aktier i Solteq Oyj - enkelt och billigt hos Avanza Bank. Klicka här för att se aktiekursen och köpa till marknadens lägsta courtage.
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The purchases were financed partly through capital investments by the Executive Team members and partly through SOLTEQ Streaming Chart Get instant access to a free live streaming chart of the Solteq PLC Stock. The chart is intuitive yet powerful, offering users multiple chart types including candlesticks Solteq Oyj (HEL:SOLTEQ) has had a great run on the share market with its stock up by a significant 84% over the last three months. Given that stock prices are usually aligned with a company's financial performance in the long-term, we decided to study its financial indicators more closely to see if they had a hand to play in the recent price move. Stocks. All stocks; Positions.