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Steffen has 6 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Steffen’s 2021-03-25 He joined Cornell in 2008. Marcus B. Smolka, Ph.D Weill Institute for Cell and Molecular Biology Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics Cornell University 339 Weill Hall Ithaca, NY 14853-7202 email (607)255-0274 (Office) (607)255-0174 (Lab) Marcus Smolka is a Professor in the Weill Institute for Cell and Molecular Biology and the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics. Dr. Smolka is a member of the Graduate Field of Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology and the Graduate Field of Genetics, Genomics and Development. Lanz, Michael C., Susannah Oberly, Ethan J. Sanford, Sushma Sharma, Andrei Chabes, and Marcus B. Smolka. “Separable Roles for Mec1/ATR in Genome Maintenance, DNA Replication and Genome Maintenance.” Genes & Development (2018).
Weill Institute for Cell and Molecular Biology 2019-11-06 Scalable verification of probabilistic networks. Steffen Smolka. Cornell University, USA, Praveen Kumar. Cornell University, USA, David M. Kahn.
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arXiv (2019). arXiv: 1904.08096 Google Scholar PLDI is a premier forum for programming language research, broadly construed, including design, implementation, theory, applications, and performance.
Welcome and Introductions (Sleckman and Smolka) SESSION 1 – New insights into DNA repair pathways Chair: Ethan Sanford, GRA Smolka Lab, Cornell University: 12:30-12:50pm: Marcus Smolka: Exploring signaling networks for novel DNA repair regulatory mechanisms: 12:50-1:10pm: Trainee Talk: Bo-Ruei Chen (Sleckman Lab) Smolka, Marcus / Cornell University: NIH 2019 R01 GM: Mechanisms of heterochromatin replication Smolka, Marcus / Cornell University: NIH 2018 R01 GM: Mechanisms of heterochromatin replication Smolka, Marcus / Cornell University Smolka Lab N IH N IG MS - R0 1G M0 9 7272 ACS RSG DMC-121517 V E RG E Seed grant Collaborations: Haiyuan Yu –Cornell Raimundo Freire -Hospital Universitario de Canarias Dr. Francisco Oliveira Dr. Patrice Ohouo José Cussiol Yi Liu Carolyn Jablonowski Dongsung Kim Beatriz Almeida Mike Lanz Susannah Oberly Jennie simms Jenna Austin Kyle Page S. Smolka, P. Kumar, N. Foster, D. Kozen, and A. Silva. Cantor meets scott: Semantic foundations for probabilistic networks. CoRR, abs/1607.05830, 2016. Steffen Smolka Cornell University Praveen Kumar Cornell University Nate Foster Cornell University Dexter Kozen Cornell University MBG Fall 2019 Seminar Series 4pm/G-10 Biotechnology Building Date: 10/11/2019 Name: Alex Kentsis – Memorial Sloan Kettering Title: Somatic DNA rearrangements in human development and disease by 2019-11-06 Bastos de Oliveira, a postdoctoral researcher in the lab of Marcus Smolka, assistant professor of molecular biology and genetics in the Weill Institute, is Cornell's third Fleming fellow, following Duane Hoch (2009) and Jason MacGurn (2008). Marcus B. Smolka Cornell University. Lars M. Steinmetz EMBL & Stanford University.
Weill Institute for Cell and Molecular Biology
This is the main track of POPL 2017, featuring research papers and invited talks. Please select a tab for more information. News The POPL 2017 program is available. The full POPL 2017 proceedings are accessible. Heterochromatic domains, such as centromeres, telomeres and other satellite DNA, pose a major challenge for DNA replication.
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Marcus Smolka is the Professor at Cornell University based in Ithaca, New York. Previously, Marcus was the Postdoctoral Fellow at Ludwig Cancer Research and also held positions at The State Burea Guarded Kleene algebra with tests: verification of uninterpreted programs in nearly linear time. Steffen Smolka. Cornell University, USA, Nate Foster Graduate Students Directory in the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics Steffen Smolka Cornell University (USA) Spiridon Eliopoulosy Inhabited Type LLC (USA) Nate Foster Cornell University (USA) Arjun Guha UMass Amherst (USA) Abstract High-level programming languages play a key role in a growing MBG Fall 2019 Seminar Series 4pm/G-10 Biotechnology Building Date: 10/11/2019 Name: Alex Kentsis – Memorial Sloan Kettering Title: Somatic DNA rearrangements in human development and disease by Welcome and Introductions (Sleckman and Smolka) SESSION 1 – New insights into DNA repair pathways Chair: Ethan Sanford, GRA Smolka Lab, Cornell University: 12:30-12:50pm: Marcus Smolka: Exploring signaling networks for novel DNA repair regulatory mechanisms: 12:50-1:10pm: Trainee Talk: Bo-Ruei Chen (Sleckman Lab) The ICFP '15 paper "A Fast Compiler for NetKAT" by Steffen Smolka (Cornell PhD student), Spiros Eliopoulos (Inhabited Type; former Cornell research staff), Nate Foster (Cornell CS faculty), and Arjun Guha (UMass faculty; former Cornell postdoc) was selected as a SIGPLAN Research Highlight.
21 Jan 2021 Cornell University: Ithaca, NY, US. 2013-08 to present | PhD (Computer Science).
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He joined Cornell in 2008. Marcus B. Smolka, Ph.D Weill Institute for Cell and Molecular Biology Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics Cornell University 339 Weill Hall Ithaca, NY 14853-7202 email (607)255-0274 (Office) (607)255-0174 (Lab) Marcus Smolka is a Professor in the Weill Institute for Cell and Molecular Biology and the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics. Dr. Smolka is a member of the Graduate Field of Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology and the Graduate Field of Genetics, Genomics and Development. The Smolka … Lanz, Michael C., Susannah Oberly, Ethan J. Sanford, Sushma Sharma, Andrei Chabes, and Marcus B. Smolka. “Separable Roles for Mec1/ATR in Genome Maintenance, DNA Replication and Genome Maintenance.” Genes & Development (2018).
Kansascity, Kansas - Personeriasm 913-273 Phone Numbers
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Robust, Semi-Intelligible Isabelle Proofs from ATP Proofs [ thesis | slides ] Steffen Smolka. Bachelor Thesis in Computer Science. Technische Universität München.