customs authorities — Svenska översättning - TechDico


Police and customs authorities worldwide are warning the

Reverso Context oferă traducere în context din engleză în română pentru "customs authorities", cu exemple: the customs authorities, the customs authorities shall, the customs authorities of the member, between customs authorities The customs authorities may take samples that are representative of the goods. De douaneautoriteiten kunnen monsters nemen die representatief zijn voor de goederen. The data shall refer to the preferential treatment applied or granted by the customs authorities. 4 timmar sedan · China's customs authorities took a total of 65,300 actions to protect the intellectual property rights of exported and imported products in 2020, the General Administration of Customs announced on | Übersetzungen für 'customs authorities' im Englisch-Deutsch-Wörterbuch, mit echten Sprachaufnahmen, Illustrationen, Beugungsformen, Customs Authorities in China and Congo Basin meet online to devise strategies to counter illegal wildlife and timber trade. Beijing, China, November 2020—earlier this month, customs officers from China, Cameroon and Republic of the Congo met online during an event entitled “International Illegal Wildlife Trade (IWT) and Timber Trade Governance Meeting for China-Congo Basin Countries Customs authorities are a key player in the fight against piracy and counterfeiting. The majority of infringing goods flooding the markets today are not manufactured in the country where the products are sold, and therefore must at some point make their way across borders.

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Translations in context of "customs authorities" in English-Dutch from Reverso Context: the customs authorities shall, customs authorities of the member, national customs authorities The customs and excise authorities assess and collect the customs and excise duties levied by the government as an important source of revenue. The customs and excise authorities that the amount of certain imports does not exceed the quota or limit allowed to be imported within a specified period. MOSCOW: Russian Customs Authorities have planned to emphasize a regular and systematic check on importing companies to identify their debt. As they are not facing a good budget and Cash flow balance.

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Ministry their Customs Authorities and in accordance. The Customs Authority of one Contracting Party shall, on its own initiative or upon request, supply to the Customs Authority of the other Contracting Party all  the competent customs authority of a Con- tracting Party their customs authorities and in accordance with the sources of the requested customs authority.

Customs Finavia

Oct 23, 2014 The importer should apply for the bond prior to their goods' departure. Additional information may be required by Other Government Agencies (  US Customs Clearance-24-Hour Advance Vessel Manifest Rule The former pivots on the creation of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and with the  Jun 26, 2017 So here are the questions you'll hear when you go through customs or border control, and how I have read and agree to the Terms of Service.

In customs authorities

Today, however, it is responsible in almost equal  Mar 16, 2020 Kirill Osipov and Mikhail Khmara of ARS-Patent evaluate the role of Russian customs authorities in the battle against IP infringement, detailing  Norwegian companies can apply to the Norwegian Tax Administration to be given credit for customs and duties and avoid paying import duties on site. Customs  Agency Details · Website: · Contact: · Local Offices: · Main Address: · Phone Number: · Toll Free: · TTY: · Forms:. Oct 14, 2020 Though corruption in customs remains a problem for many countries, Discredited public agencies were dismantled and replaced with new  Oct 2, 2018 DR Customs is a leading company in the field of customs and enables the customs broker to present your shipment to the customs authorities  Customs Department is the Federal Government Agency that is invested with Authority to conduct Customs Valuation and collect Import as well as Export Duties  The main tasks of the Customs authorities are: Protection of the rights, freedoms and legally protected interests of physical and legal entities;. within its competence  The Customs Administration performs the tasks of the Customs Service as an administrative organization within the MInistry of Finance of the Republic of Croatia  Customs clearance is a necessary procedure before goods can be imported or exported internationally.
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In customs authorities

The value declared to the customs authorities and supported by commercial invoice.

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Emerald (green): green is a symbol of resurrection and updating, in the secular sense it is a symbol of youth, blossom, freedom, peace, nobility, honor, hope, joy and abundance. In Norway, the customs authorities conduct the control of inbound goods. E n Nor vège , les autorités dou an ière s co nt rôlent les marchandises qui entrent s ur le territoire nat io nal. Learn the definition of 'fiscal and customs authorities'. Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar. Browse the use examples 'fiscal and customs authorities' in the great English corpus.

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25000000. tons of goods proceeded through the customs border for the 1st quarter of 2021 year. 2970. objects investigated by experts of the Customs Laboratory for the 1st quarter of 2021 year. 90. International treaties relating to customs … Customs controls: Specific acts performed by the customs authorities in order to ensure compliance with the customs legislation and other legislation governing the entry, exit, transit, movement, storage and end-use of goods moved between the customs territory of the Union and countries or territories outside that territory, and the presence and movement within the customs territory of the ATA Carnet is recognized by customs authorities of the Russian Federation as the customs declaration and an internationally valid guarantee of payment of customs charges provided that the document contains the names of the issuing association and the international guaranteeing network is specified, and the document shall be completed by the issuing association and the Carnet holder as required Approved by the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic of December 7, 1999 No. 768-IG.

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