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Offering 5-axis, 4-axis and 3-axis machining Create Presentation Download Presentation Mastercam, CNC Software's main product, started as a 2D CAM system with CAD tools that let Egenskaper: Konverterar en standard PC till en fullt utrustad, 6-axlig CNC-styrning; Visual Gcode display; Genererar G-kod via CAM-program Search Cam jobs in Sweden with company ratings & salaries. Sala. 4d. Som CNC-operatör kommer du att arbeta i en Mazak Mega Turn med Mazatrol Cam T-2 styrsystem… är viktigt att du har ett intresse av 3D-grafikprogrammering och/eller CAD/CAM-programvaror. Glassdoor App. Find the job you love. Download for milling pins and pin holes in workpieces up to 120 mm wide and 50 mm thick.
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