The 2021 aerospace expo kicks off a full roster of air shows. By Julie Boatman 5 hours ago. News. Aviation International News is the industry's best read and most authoritative news publication, covering all aspects of aviation: business, military and transport. Get your Aviation Industry news the second it hits the news bureaus!

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With close to 30 years’ experience as a pioneering aviation services provider, our market-leading inflight connectivity solutions are built to fly. We are trusted by the world’s most respected airlines, leading OEMs, the business aviation community and the industry’s safety and regulatory authorities to keep cockpit and cabin connected at 35,000 feet. Aviation definition is - the operation of aircraft; sometimes, specifically : the operation of heavier-than-air aircraft. How to use aviation in a sentence.

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By Julie Boatman 5 hours ago. News. Aviation International News is the industry's best read and most authoritative news publication, covering all aspects of aviation: business, military and transport. Get your Aviation Industry news the second it hits the news bureaus!
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2021-04-19 · Aviation Safety Network: Databases containing descriptions of about airliner accidents, hijackings and military aircraft accidents. to make an aviation cocktail (difford's recipe) use gin, maraschino liqueur, crème de violette liqueur, lemon juice (freshly squeezed), chilled water and garnish Aviation’s hot right now. The jobs are in demand. The salary potential is big.

n. 1. The operation of aircraft. 2. The design, development, and production of aircraft. 3.

Ink provides smart, simple and effective systems for the aviation industry. Improving the passenger experience and reducing operating costs. Aviation. News & Advice ‘Privileged few’ take vast majority of flights each year, says study. News. Tiny minority takes most flights, new report finds. US politics.