For example, one million children are currently working in gold mines . This gold  29 Apr 2017 This presentation provides an overview of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected  Unser Supply Chain Due Diligence Service stellt sicher, dass bei der Integration nachhaltiger Wertzuwachs über Synergiepotenziale und die Vermeidung von  9 Oct 2020 companies – and companies operating in Europe – to undertake broad mandatory human rights due diligence along the entire supply chain. What is Supply Chain Due Diligence? At its basic level, supply chain or third-party due diligence describes the efforts taken to investigate a potential business partner.

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2015-11-26 · Supply chain due diligence (SCDD) represents a holistic concept to proactively manage supply chains reducing the likelihood of the use of conflict minerals effectively. Based on an exploratory study with 27 semi-structured interviews within five European industries, we provide insights into patterns of implementation, key motivational factors, barriers and enablers, and impacts of SCDD in Due diligence and its challenges for responsible business conduct in supply chains Consumers and other stakeholders are increasingly demanding access to more accurate information on the origin and journey of goods, as well as the conditions throughout the supply chain ( [Whit18] ). Members in the gold, silver, PGM, diamonds and coloured gemstones supply chain shall exercise due diligence over their supply chains in accordance with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas (the ‘OECD Guidance’) or other auditable due diligence frameworks recognised by the RJC to be aligned with the OECD Guidance (‘RJC-recognised due diligence frameworks’), in ways appropriate to their size and circumstances. Apart from supply chain due diligence requirements, the proposal would impose on e-vehicle and rechargeable industrial batteries obligations on carbon footprint, recycled content, chemical restrictions, performance, durability, waste collection, treatment and recycling, material recovery, conformity assessment, CE marking, and disclosures to third parties, among many others.

Companies would then also have to map human rights and environmental impacts with a supply chain due diligence. Which companies will be covered by the new regime that are trusted to be able to afford mandatory and sanctioned due diligence processes and compliance structures is another issue with potential for conflict.

Third-party due diligence applies both up and down the supply chain. Supply chain risk management rests on a foundation of third-party due diligence. Well, due diligence is something compliance officers have been doing for years. The challenge is how to leverage All actors in the mineral supply chain can be at risk of contributing to adverse impacts of the mineral trade — regard­less of their posi­tion in the supply chain.

Supply chain due diligence

7.1. Members in the gold, silver, PGM, diamonds and coloured gemstones supply chain shall exercise due diligence over their supply chains in accordance with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas (the ‘OECD Guidance’) or other auditable due diligence frameworks recognised by the RJC to be aligned with the OECD It was developed by a group of governments, companies and NGOs, and is considered the international benchmark for supply chain due diligence. The Guidance recommends that companies: Have a clear conflict minerals policy; Carry out supply chain risk assessments based on on-the-ground checks; Take action to deal with any problems identified What is Supply Chain Due Diligence? At its basic level, supply chain or third-party due diligence describes the efforts taken to investigate a potential business partner. Third parties in a modern supply chain are diverse.
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Supply chain due diligence

One of the outstanding risks for modern supply chains is the growing number of third parties involved. knowing their suppliers – due diligence applies throughout supply chains – one aim of due diligence and risk assessment is to enable the taxable person to make a judgement on the integrity of their Employer Name: Thrasio This is a great opportunity for a seasoned supply chain professional who’s eager to solve complex problems and work on a varied and exponentially growing portfolio of leading consumer products. The Senior Supply Chain Manager, Due Diligence & Special Projects is primarily responsible for leading the development and execution of a structured 1 dag sedan · Implementation is key, yet challenging due to the complexity of the company’s supply chain.

Third-party could be anything, such as distributors, suppliers, consultants, and even clients. Due diligence investigations can also be quite costly and therefore prohibitive to companies investing the time and capital to address forced labor supply chain issues. Germany announces Supply Chain Due Diligence Law – Everything you need to know Constanze Illner 22/02/2021 CSR & Responsible Sourcing The debate about whether legislation is needed to stop human rights violations in the supply chain has been going on for some time. Companies would then also have to map human rights and environmental impacts with a supply chain due diligence.
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The Problem Analysis, policy background and intervention logic concludes with the definition of four options for regulatory proposals (Task 3): No change (Option 1), new voluntary guidelines (Option 2), new reporting requirements (Option 3) and mandatory due diligence as a legal standard of care (Option 4). steps down the supply chain, due diligence by end users in the chain must cover the entire supply chain.

They can include anything from suppliers, distributors, agents, advisors and consultants, and even customers. You need to know about performing due diligence checks on your labour supply chains.

An award-winning team of journalists, Due diligence is the careful, thorough evaluation of a potential investment, whether on a corporate or individual level. Paul has been a respected figure in the financial markets for more than two decades. Prior to starting InvestingAnswers A supply chain is a network between an organization and its suppliers to deliver goods and/or services to the final customer. Read more from Webopedia. A supply chain is a network between an organization and its suppliers to deliver goods a Supply chains can be confusing to newbies and experts alike. Use these tips and resources to learn more about supply chains and logistics, and why they're so important to every business.