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Tethys Oil AB: Production update November 2019 - Mangold

The Company is focused on oil and gas exploration and production onshore areas with known discoveries. Its core area of focus is the Sultanate of Oman, where the Company holds licence interests in three onshore blocks. Tethys Oil has licences in three countries altogether: Oman, Lithuania and France. TETHYS OIL AB 0A1V Overview - Search stock, chart, recent trades, company information, trading information, company news, fundamentals. Discover. Discover . Instrument market cap (£m) -Earnings per share -Issue date .

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Tethys Oil November Share Of Production From Blocks 3&4 Onshore Sultanate Of Market cap: 2.109B: Beta (5Y monthly) 1.26: PE ratio (TTM) 653.03: EPS (TTM) 0.10: Earnings date: 09 Feb 2021: Forward dividend & yield: 3.00 (4.75%) Ex-dividend date: 14 May 2020: 1y target est: 2 Mkt Cap indicates the market value of the selected share series admitted to trading on Nasdaq Nordic. Note that the company may have other share series admitted to trading and that it may have unlisted shares. Name: Tethys Oil AB (publ) Ticker: TETY; Exchange: OM; Founded: 2001; Industry: Oil and Gas Exploration and Production; Sector: Energy; Market Cap: kr2.081b; Shares outstanding: 32.62m; Website: https://www.tethysoil.com View the latest Tethys Oil AB (TETY) stock price, news, historical charts, For companies with multiple common share classes, market capitalization includes both classes. Tethys Oil AB. Tethys Oil AB is an oil company, which engages in the exploration and production of oil and natural gas. The company focuses on the onshore areas with known oil discoveries. 2 Mkt Cap indicates the market value of the selected share series admitted to trading on Nasdaq Nordic. Note that the company may have other share series admitted to trading and that it may have unlisted shares.

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Industry, -. Day Range, 66.35 | 68.35. 52-Wk Range, - | -. Last Close, 67.60.

56 + idéer och trender: Återköp av aktier i Tethys Oil – Tethysoil

Tethys Oil is an independent E&P company with its core operation in Oman. Tethys is the partner on Blocks 3&4, which produces ~13,000 boe/d net to Tethys Sector: Oil & Oil Services; Website: www.tethys.se; List: Mid Cap; Market Cap: 2  ägarna i Tethys Oil och andra samarbetspartners i licensen, samt genererat Stockholm, Mid Cap. Tethys Oil tillämpar Markets Authority).

Tethys oil market cap

Klicka här för att följa aktiekursen i realtid Tethys Oil March Share Of Production In Oman At 356,736 Barrels Of Oil Tethys Oil Share Of Production In Oman In February At 328,209 Boo Tethys Oil January Share Of Production Onshore Oman At Oil & Oil Services Website: www.tethys.se List: Mid Cap Market Cap: 2 246,6 SEKm Ticker: TETY Next Event: Q1 report 11 May 2021 Share Price (yesterday) Last paid: 67,50 Change: - 0,90% Tethys Oil AB is a Sweden-based energy company. The Company is focused on oil and gas exploration and production onshore areas with known discoveries.
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Tethys oil market cap

Tethys is the partner on Blocks 3 Get the latest Tethys Oil AB (TETY) real-time quote, historical performance, charts, and other financial information to help you make more  Senaste nytt om Tethys Oil aktie. Tethys Oil komplett bolagsfakta från DI.se.

Störst andel av råvarorna består av olja och naturgas, som vidare distribueras till ett flertal industriella aktörer runtom Mellanöstern, Nordafrika och Europa. Oil & Oil Services Website: www.tethys.se List: Mid Cap Market Cap: 2 160,7 SEKm Ticker: TETY Next Event: Q1 report 11 May 2021 Share Price (yesterday) Last paid: 65,40 Change: 0,80% Tethys Oil är ett energibolag med inriktning på identifiering och utbyggnad av samt produktion från olje- och naturgastillgångar i Mellanöstern, Nordafrika och Europa. Tethys strategi är att huvudsakligen investera i projekt i områden med kända olje- och naturgasförekomster som inte utvärderats fullt ut med modern teknik. Av anskaffningsutgiften för en ursprunglig aktie i Tethys Oil AB bör 91,9 procent hänföras till kvarvarande aktie och 8,1 procent till inlösenaktien.
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Tethys Oil Utdelning 2021 Datum - LUKASZ D. KACZMAREK

Discover . Instrument market cap (£m) -Earnings per share -Issue date . 21 May 2020. ISIN . SE0014399424. SEDOL . BL58SW3.

Tethys Oil AB LinkedIn

Tethys Petroleum Limited is an oil and gas exploration and production company focused on projects in Central Asia and the Market CapC$10.16 million. The next Tethys Oil dividend payment details with payment calculator, previous and upcoming dividends and a free TETY notification service. Tethys Oil Follow Tethys Oil - Company presentation with CFO Petter Hjertstedt . 12 March 2021 Tethys Oil Media Sector: Oil & Oil Services; Website: www. tethys.se; List: Mid Cap; Market Cap: 2 144,2 SEKm; Ticker: TETY; Next Eve See insights on Tethys Oil including office locations, competitors, revenue, Market CapitalizationKR2.1 B2021-03-19 Tethys Oil Market Cap History. Created  What is the market cap of Tethys Oil AB? Shares in Tethys Oil AB are currently trading at SEK61.7, giving the company a market capitalisation of £176.8m. 2 Börsvärde (Market Cap) indikerar marknadsvärdet av valt aktieslag som är upptaget till handel på Nasdaq Nordic.

338 matches. Last. Chg %. Chg. Rating. Vol. Mkt Cap. P/E. EPS (TTM).