Roger Ulrich - Chalmers Research
Patientsäker intrahospital transport av intensivvårdspatient
Search for more papers by this author. Abstract. Introduction: This study was conducted to provide Intensive Care Units and Emergency Departments with a set of practical procedures (check-lists) for managing critically-ill adult patients in order to avoid complications during intra-hospital transport (IHT). 1999-04-15 · Prospective evaluation of intrahospital transportation of 33 critically ill children to and from the pediatric intensive care unit was conducted over the course of a month. Factors contributing to risk of transport were assessed.
Controlled studies showing a reduction in adverse events during and complications from transport using such equipment are still lacking, however, although one group did report zero unanticipated problems with such equipment [ 28 ]. We performed a prospective, pre–post interventional study, including a total of 76 transfers of critically ill patients between August 2016 and April 2017. Results After introduction of the checklist, aggregate median (interquartile range) guideline compliance improved from 86.7% (80.0–92.9) to 90% (86.7–100) (p = 0.01). Complications during intrahospital transport of critically ill patients: Focus on risk identification and prevention Patrick H Knight 1, Neelabh Maheshwari 1, Jafar Hussain 1, Michael Scholl 1, Michael Hughes 1, Thomas J Papadimos 2, Weidun Alan Guo 3, James Cipolla 4, Stanislaw P Stawicki 4, Nicholas Latchana 5 A more than equals 5% change in oxygen saturation (5.6%) was seen only during transport. Conclusions Serious physiologic deterioration occurs during intrahospital transport of critically ill children.
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These transfers are intensive in terms of utilization of personnel and resources. 2020-01-01 · Transport of critically ill patients is often required from the intensive care unit (ICU) to other hospital departments for imaging or medical procedures. The time of transport has been identified as one of particular risk, 1 with adverse events occurring at rates as high as 37.4–70% of all transports.
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Radiographic diagnostics are the most common in-hospital transport destination and the results often change the course of care. Background: Intrahospital transport of the critically ill adult carries inherent risks that can be manifested as unexpected events. Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the implementation of a standardized evaluation plan for intrahospital transports to/from adult intensive care units.
as for intermediate care and intra-hospital transportation,” says Malin Graufelds, Global Product Manager
The Giraffe Shuttle* provides seamless continuity of care when transporting NICU with the CARESCAPE* R860 for Neonates critical care respiratory ventilator. ”Risk Factors for intra-hospital transport of newborn patients: A new solution to
PDF | The main purpose was to study the prehospital and early intrahospital treatment of and around 1/5 of the patients were transported to hospital by private transport.
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Critical Care, 1999; 3(5), R83–R89. 2. Alamanou D, Brokalaki H. Intrahospital Transport Policies: 2016 Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine | Published by Wolters Kluwer ‑ Medknow. Introduction.
Studies show that the use of protocols in intrahospital transports increases patient safety. Objective: The study aimed to examine protocols that regulate intrahospital transport
This study confirms that the intrahospital transports of critically ill patients leads to a significant number of adverse events. Although in our study adverse events have not had major consequences on the patient stay, efforts should be made to decrease their incidence.
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At some point in every physician's career, he/she will be involved in the medical transport of a sick or injured patient. 6. Types of Transport Intrahospital-- Jan 1, 2020 Intrahospital transport of critically ill patients. Critical Care, 1999; 3(5), R83–R89.
Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the implementation of a standardized evaluation plan for intrahospital transports to/from adult intensive care units. Intrahospital transport of critically ill patients must be considered as part of the critical care continuum. The level of care provided must be commensurate with the severity of illness. These transfers are intensive in terms of utilization of personnel and resources. In reviewing the case, reading the available literature, and discussing with colleagues, it became clear that the intrahospital transport of critically ill patients is a topic both with a relative paucity of literature and a low level of awareness among clinicians of multiple specialties.
Factors contributing to risk of transport were assessed. There were 33 children (25 boys and 8 girls), 3 days to 15 years of age. Serious physiologic deterioration occurs during intrahospital transport of critically ill children.