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Friedrich Dürrenmatt ( Konolfingen, Svájc, 1921. január 5. – Neuchâtel, 1990. december 14.) svájci író, drámaíró, képzőművész. Friedrich Dürrenmatt (January 5, 1921 – December 14, 1990) was a Swiss author and dramatist.
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He died on December 14, 1990 in Neuchâtel, Switzerland. Friedrich Josef Dürrenmatt (d. 5 Ocak 1921, Konolfingen - ö. 14 Aralık 1990 Neuenburg/Neuchâtel) İsviçreli yazar, oyun yazarı ve ressam. İçindekiler 1 Yaşamı Friedrich Dürrenmatt (DEWR-uhn-maht) was one of the most important German-language playwrights of the twentieth century, the recipient of many international awards.
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His father Reinhold, a Protestant minister, and his mother Hulda, a devout Christian, kept an orderly house and ensured that their son, Friedrich, and their daughter, Vroni, received an excellent education. Friedrich Dürrenmatt wurde 1921 als Pfarrerssohn in Konolfingen im Emmental geboren und starb 1990 in Neuchâtel, wo er 38 Jahre gelebt hatte. Internationale Berühmtheit erlangte er vor allem mit seinen Dramen "Der Besuch der alten Dame" (1956) und "Die Physiker" (1962) und durch die vielfach verfilmten Kriminalromane wie "Der Richter und sein Henker" (1952) oder "Das Versprechen" (1958). Friedrich Dürrenmatt was born in 1921 in the village of Konolfingen, near Berne, Switzerland, and was the son of a Protestant minister.
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Konolfingenas, Berno kantonas – 1990 m. gruodžio 14 d. Nešatelis) – žymus šveicarų dramaturgas, publicistas, dailininkas ekspresionistas. 2020-05-15 · Friedrich duerrenmatt 19890427.jpg 672 × 743; 113 KB Friedrich Durrenmatt, Das Versprechen 1958.jpg 280 × 441; 29 KB Gedenktafel Maienstr 4 (Schönb) Friedrich Luft.jpg 1,407 × 1,683; 513 KB Friedrich Dürrenmatt home page sponsored by the University of Chicago Press.
Dürrenmatt, who was educated in Zürich and Bern, became a full-time writer in 1947. Friedrich Dürrenmatt was extraordinarily successful not only as a playwright but also as the author of morally complex detective thrillers which sold millions of copies and inspired numerous film adaptations, including The Pledge (2003), directed by Sean Penn with Jack Nicholson in the leading role. Friedrich Dürrenmatt (1921 – 1990) was a Swiss author and dramatist. Dürrenmatt was born in the Emmental (canton of Bern), the son of a Protestant pastor.
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1958. 116 s. Häftad.
"The Physicists" is considered a German-language classic, posing ethical questions on man's
Friedrich Duerrenmatt. Collection: Pen Club.
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Hitta perfekta Friedrich Dürrenmatt bilder och redaktionellt nyhetsbildmaterial hos Getty Images.
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Friedrich Dürrenmatt (Konolfingen, 5. siječnja 1921. - Neuenburg, 14. prosinca 1990.) je bio švicarski književnik. Pored Maxa Frischa, jedan od najznačajnijih Friedrich Dürrenmatt (Konolfingen, Cantón de Berna, 5 de enero de 1921 - Neuchâtel, 14 de diciembre de 1990) fue un pintor y escritor suizo en lengua alemana. Hombre polifacético, fue un gran autor teatral; escribió, para la radio y la televisión, ensayos literarios, filosóficos y novelas, la mayor parte policíacas. Explore releases from Friedrich Dürrenmatt at Discogs.
Butik. AR. Buenos Aires, AR. Albin Zollinger, Max Frisch Und Friedrich Duerrenmatt ALS Publizisten Und Ihr Verhaeltnis Zu Den Medien : (Im Anhang Ein Gespraech Mit Max Frisch). Motiv ”100 år av Friedrich Dürrenmatt” på Klistermärke på Spreadshirt » lätt att ta av, väderbeständigt, håller länge ✓ enkel retur ✓ Upptäck Klistermärken nu!