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(English) AoE2 460 52:50. View later. AoE2 - Amazing Nomad 2v2 - TheViper & Tatoh vs TheMax & Villese (English) AoE2 - Expert 1v1 - Daut vs MBL - Japanese vs Spanish (English) 290. Share. Add to my favorites. 0 I like it.

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One of the best tournaments in aoe2 history. All hail lord DauT! 2021-01-16 · DauT (Darko Dautovic) JorDan_23 (Marco Bloch) TheViper (Ørjan Larsen) MbL (Morten Beite Levernes) Liereyy (Kai Kallinger) TaToH (Roberto Jiménez) Format . Nili's Apartment Cup consisted of a Round Robin group stage, best of seven series. AoE2 - DauT vs TaToH! Shorefish & Aggression!

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The word is a compound of the words “Daut” and “Castle.”. The word is eponymous in origin since the “Daut” part of the compound refers to the player that built such a castle during one of I went to Serbia to make an interview with DauT for the ECL - you can watch all of the ECL games on http://twitch.tv/EscapeAoELearn to play Age of Empires: h This DauT video was made to give Hidden Cup 2 viewers some insight as to who the players might be.

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The result was exactly like expected, so no Elo changes. Professional AoE 2 DE Player for @GamerLegion | Sponsored by Re-Bo 2018-05-01 2017-02-10 Daut is the living embodiment of aoe2, his face is used for all, both good and bad. He is the ultimate meme. No one roasts King daut, they simply acknowledge him being the origin of all things aoe2, from dautCastles, to grassSad, to the giant quad of his smiling face. 20.
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ZeroEmpires TheViperAOC - Age of Empires 2 Uploaded 1 year ago 2018-02-20 NICOV vs DAUT!

Player Last Match. Request the last match the player started playing, this will be the current match if they are still in game.
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TaToH is known for using Demolition Ships in a wide variety of situations.; In the "Top 50 best Age of Empires 2 players of all time" ranking, which was published on aoezone.net in December 2020, TaToH was voted in the 16th place by various other expert players. Request Parameters.

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King of the Realm - Quarter-Finals - Oct 28, 2018. DauT.

Check out their videos, sign up to chat, and join their community. Daut viewership statistics in Age of Empires tournaments. The most popular matches of the Daut and the tournaments in which they participated. abbreviations are common among players of any game in the Age of Empires Coomer: Cuman player employing a booming strategy; Daut Castle: Losing  AoE2 | Origin of the Daut Castle. Age Of Empires World · September 26, 2020 ·. AoE2 | Origin of the Daut Castle.