Dellner Couplers AB - Detaljinformation - Largestcompanies


Dellner Couplers Aktiebolag, Vikavägen 144 - Kompass

Sverige. Be om offert. Fax +46 23 76 54 10.  Försäljningen av dalaföretaget Dellner Couplers är nu inne i slutskedet. Bindande bud ska in den 27 mars från de riskkapitalbolag som  We seek new graduates for strategic developmental Dellner Couplers in Vika, south of Falun, is an Allt jobb och fler falun kopplas upp, så kallat  Dellner Couplers Group AB - Hitta nyheter, ekonomiska siffror, kontaktuppgifter, nyckeltal, bokslut, styrelse, koncernträd och så mycket mer på

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Se omsättning, bokslut, styrelse, m.m, Ladda ner gratis årsredovisningar. Dellner Couplers has established itself as a complete package provider for train connection systems following the acquisition of Woodville gangways earlier this year Established in 1941 in a small village on the outskirts of the Swedish town Falun, Dellner Couplers originally started producing couplers for trains and has grown to be a worldwide provider of an all-encompassing range of train Dellner Brakes - innovation by design Dellner Brakes is one of the world’s leading suppliers of brakes and related power transmission products for the industrial, marine, oil and gas, and wind energy markets. Our product range includes powerful disc brakes, locking devices, turning devices, pneumatic drum clutches, shaft couplings and rotary unions. We also provide noise-free, lightweight Dellner Couplers has 1,000 employees across 27 locations and KR1.88 B in annual revenue in FY 2018. See insights on Dellner Couplers including office locations, competitors, revenue, financials, executives, subsidiaries and more at Craft. We traded under the name Precima from 1993 until 2003, when we became part of the Dellner Group which boasts more than 700 employees worldwide. We work in partnership with our mother company, Dellner Couplers, a world leading manufacturer of couplers for the rail industry.

Lediga jobb Dellner Couplers AB Falun

2 dagar  Försäljningen av dalaföretaget Dellner Couplers är nu inne i slutskedet. Bindande bud ska in den 27 mars från de riskkapitalbolag som EQT  Accounting Specialist, Controller/System Specialist and Accountant. Dellner Couplers AB · Falun. ·.

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The company provides couplers, gangways, hatches, dampers and crash management systems as well as global after market services för train manufacturers and operators.

Dellner couplers

The patented energy absorption D-BOX technology allows coupling at speeds of up to 15 kilometres per hour (9 mph) with no structural damage, and up to 36 kilometres per hour (22 mph) with deformation but with the vehicles remaining on track.
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Dellnerkoncernens dotterbolag Dellner Couplers kan komma att noteras. Verksamheten kan vara värd över 5 miljarder kronor. Det rapporterar  Dellner är ett internationellt företag med filialer och agenter i 13 länder med huvudkontor i Sverige. Dellner erbjuder hållbara innovativa  David Pagels, vd på Dellner Couplers i Falun.
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Det rapporterar  Dellner är ett internationellt företag med filialer och agenter i 13 länder med huvudkontor i Sverige. Dellner erbjuder hållbara innovativa  David Pagels, vd på Dellner Couplers i Falun.

Dellner Couplers AB -

Notering: Ej noterat  Riskkapitalbolaget EQT köper det svenska tågdelsföretaget Dellner Couplers. Det erfar Dagens Industri. Uppdaterad 2019-04-15. Publicerad  David Pagels Dellner Couplers. Administratör2018-01-26T12:06:27+01:00januari 26th, 2018|.

F Dellner Dampers – customised damping solutions We’ve been producing customised damping solutions for customers across the globe for over 50 years. Our aim has always been to develop, design and produce the ideal solution to any vibration or energy absorption problem, and our innovative, technologically advanced products are hand built at our state-of-the-art facility in Flen, Sweden. Dellner Couplers Aktiebolag - Org.nummer: 5563899763. Vid senaste bokslut 2019 hade företaget en omsättningsförändring på 0,9%. Fördelningen i styrelsen är 80,0 % män (4), 20,0 % kvinnor (1) .