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Rosi Braidotti – Efter humanismen
Stäng meny. Alla inlägg taggade med: Rosi Braidotti. På liv och död. Av Simon Ceder. I novellen När dog János Kóvacs av Lasoj Zilahy får vi följa den 35-årige av H Forsås-Scott · Citerat av 2 — Viewed in light of Rosi Braidotti's notion of.
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Hons. Australian National University, 1978; PhD, Université de Paris, Panthéon-Sorbonne, 1981; Honorary Degrees Helsinki, 2007 and Linkoping, 2013; Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities (FAHA), 2009; Member of the Academia Europaea (MAE), 2014; Knighthood in the order of the Netherlands Lion, 2005) is Distinguished University Professor at Utrecht University Rosi Braidotti's nomadic theory outlines a sustainable modern subjectivity as one in flux, never opposed to a dominant hierarchy yet intrinsically other, always in Reviews. “Where on our bookshelves are Rosi Braidotti's works - Spinoza, French philosophy, feminism or in a category of their own? For those of us who have Braidotti founded the Gender Studies Programme in Utrecht in 1998, and also became the inaugural director of the Netherlands Research School for Women's Affirming the Affirmative: On Nomadic Affectivity. Rosi Braidotti.
Stäng. Kopiera och spara länken för att återkomma till aktuell vy Rosi Braidotti (B.A.
Akademiska festligheter vid Linköpings universitet
2011-05-01 Braidotti explores the extent to which a post-humanist perspective displaces the traditional unity and universality of the subject. Rather than perceiving this as a loss of cognitive self-mastery and ethical decency, she argues that the posthuman condition helps us make sense of, and find a new moral compass within, our globalised culture. Braidotti, who holds Italian and Australian citizenship, was born in Italy and grew up in Australia, where she received a First-Class Honours degree from the Australian National University in Canberra in 1977 and was awarded the University Medal in Philosophy and the University Tillyard prize. Braidotti Moto, Gorizia, Italy. 2,358 likes · 78 talking about this.
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Braidotti poté analyzuje eskalující účinky post-antropocentrického myšlení, které zahrnuje nejen jiné druhy, ale také udržitelnost naší planety jako celku. Jelikož současná tržní ekonomika těží z kontroly a komodifikace všeho, co žije, dochází k hybridizaci a vymazání kategorických rozdílů mezi člověkem a jinými druhy - semeny, rostlinami, zvířaty a bakteriemi. Braidotti develops a distinctly positive critical theory that rejuvenates the experience of political scholarship. Inspired yet not confined by Deleuzian vitalism, with its commitment to the ontology of flows, networks, and dynamic transformations, she emphasizes affects, imagination, and creativity and the politics of radical immanence.
Av: Rosi Braidotti ISBN: 9780231082358. Utgivningsår: 1994.
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Rosi Braidotti - Jämför priser på böcker - Bokfynd
I novellen När dog János Kóvacs av Lasoj Zilahy får vi följa den 35-årige av H Forsås-Scott · Citerat av 2 — Viewed in light of Rosi Braidotti's notion of. 'nomadic becoming', subjectivation in this novel extends into the rhizomic mode; in other words, it is 'trans-personal [. Polity Press . 2020. 226 sidor.
Philosopher Rosi Braidotti talks about the post-human ethic, the devastating effects of neoliberal capitalism, and her proposal for affirmative resistance. B Dessa exempel har dock inget med posthumanism att göra, som snarare är en vidareutveckling av poststrukturalistisk teori och därför lider av samma ogenomträngliga elitistiska jargong.
II. Series. HQl190.B74 1994 305 osi Braidotti is Professor and Chair of Women’s Studies at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands. She received her doctorate in Philoso-phy from the Sorbonne in Paris, and has worked extensively in the intersec-tions of feminist theory and philosophy. Her books include Nomadic Subjects: 46 Post-Humanism: Life beyond the Self humanism comes from my anti-humanist roots, of course. More specifi cally, the current of thought that has gone further in unfolding the productive potential of the posthuman Braidotti, Rosi (2002) Metamorphoses: Towards a Materialist Theory of Becoming. Cambridge, UK and Malden, USA: Polity Press/Blackwell Publishers Ltd. Bryld, Mette and Nina Lykke (1999) Cosmodolphins: Feminist Cultural Studies of Technologies, Animals and the Sacred.