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C'mon man obviously it's a joke. Btw 1918 is the year of the Spanish flu. Off topic question : What state do you live in? If you don't live in America, what Country do you live in? What city? I live in Maryland, Baltimore County. 0.

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2021-04-10 · OFF TOPIC GPITS Question. Thread starter EricWSteagall18; Start date Apr 10, 2021; Tags gpits EricWSteagall18 Redshirting. Gold Member. Aug 1, 2017 87 106 21 Atlanta, GA. Blue wolfie7 · 2/25/2021 in Questions and Answers. Off topic question. HOW DO YOU DO THAT WITH THE SUBTITLES-This is my favorite song btw ;) I need a word that simply means "off-topic discussion." Banter is close because it means playful remarks, which can possibly denote off-topic discussion, but not really.

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Grafikkort. knebert.

SvenskaMagic > Forumet > Off-topictråden

Speaking off-topic about everyday problems and ordinary concerns not only distracts other students but also wastes a lot of time. Hmm, mixed feelings here. I never liked that "seeks debugging help" was under off-topic.

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2021-01-12 Now, people who have a question closed with a community-specific reason won't be confused when they see "off-topic" at the top of a question that isn't. The other thing you can't see (unless you're a mod) is that we also changed the UI so that moderators can define the content of the post notice so that it matches the close reason more specifically rather than being generic text.

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an off topic question but if you read this @Lanfear_VR what vr headset do you use I'm trying to buy one but I don't know which, and your  Casino riktiga pengar bonuskod ingen insättning quick question that's completely off topic, sa han då till Expressen. Delningstjänster handlar  The real question is whether Ngannou has the ability to get from his back when I know this is kind of off topic but I was wondering which blog platform are you  The Pottermore Quizzes All Questions Reference. Album on Imgur pic. Harry Potter Sorting House Quiz All Questions - QUIZ Page 3 - Off-Topic Rampancy .

Closed question. Question about Swedish  Underforum : Off-topic Ämne i forum : Off-topic, Forumverktyg 2005-04-19 19:26 av Fredrik · Gå till det senaste inlägget · 0, 447.