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PRESENTATION NAME - Gillbergcentrum - Göteborgs

Population: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) hos vuxna. Indextest: Wender Utah Rating Scale (WURS) Utfall: Diagnostisk tillförlitlighet (”accuracy”) WURS – Wender Utah Rating Scal. WURS är ett screeninginstrument för ADHD i form av en självskattningsskala beträffande beteende i barndomen. Screeninginstrument för ADHD i form av en självskattningsskala beträffande beteende i barndomen. Antal items 61 frågor, varav 25 ger den bästa diskrimineringen mellan grupper med och utan barndoms-ADHD.

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ating a Swedish short version of this instrument (which shall be  Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish. The ASRS is The WURS retrospectively surveys an array of childhood ADHD symptoms as well as. Using factor analysis, the WURS-brief screening measure was compared to existing ADHD diagnostic tools that were used as reference measures within the   35 items They were followed up by the Wender Riktad ADHD Symtom Skala (WRASS)- scale, a Swedish version of the Targeted Attention Deficit Disorder Rating  Efficacy of PR OROS methylphenidate on ADHD-symptoms in adult male prison Male, 18-65 years, imprisoned at Norrtalje Prison; WURS-score of 36 or more  Keywords: ADHD; Adult ADHD; Assessment; Validity; Screening; WURS; were then used for attrition analysis, thus creating a Swedish short version of this  Multiple studies of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have Using the WURS to retrospectively identify any history of ADHD in the parents may be ADHD symptoms across the lifespan in a population-based Swedish sample&n Mall för WURS. Följande frågor har särskild relevans för retrospektiv ADHD- diagnos. ≥36 poäng identifierar 96% av vuxna med ADHD diagnos i barndomen .

Ska jag gå med på att utreda huruvida jag har ADD? : sweden

Den kan också påverka hur aktiv eller intensiv du är som person. Adhd har ingenting med intelligens att göra, utan med hur hjärnan och nervsystemet fungerar.

Komplexa fall 1.0 spk 2014 - SlideShare

In completing the WURS, the adult reports on their recollection of how they were as a child. The WURS has been shown to be a vali DIVA-5 is the successor to DIVA 2.0, the structured Diagnostic Interview for Adult ADHD, and is based on the criteria for ADHD in DSM-5.

Wurs adhd svenska

Wender Utah Rating Scale Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the psychometric properties and diagnostic accuracy of the Swedish version of the Wender Utah Rating Scale (WURS) in psychiatric patients with In this study, researchers sought to investigate the psychometric properties of the ASRS and WURS in a well-characterized sample of adult ADHD patients and population controls. • Wender Utah rating scale score = _____ • Maximum score 100 • If a cutoff score of 46 was used, 86% of patients with ADHD, 99% of normal persons, and 81% of depressed subjects were correctly classified.
120 säng

Wurs adhd svenska

BLANKETT: UTREDNING AV ADHD-SYMPTOM 1 (1) ADHD (aktivitets- och uppmärksamhetsstörning, barn och unga) ELEVENS NAMN:_____ SYMPTOM UNDER DEN SENASTE VECKAN inga endast lite ganska ofta mycket ofta Är ofta ouppmärksam på detaljer eller gör slarvfel i skolarbetet, yrkeslivet eller andra aktiviteter The Wender Utah ADHD Rating Scale (WURS) is a 61-item retrospective self-report scale used to evaluate adults for ADHD. I anhörigskattningsformulären ASRS v1.1, WURS 25 item, EQ, AQ, AUDIT, DUDIT, dyslexiscreeening, vid behov ASSQ, 1 tim.

Retrospektivt självskattningsformulär med frågor om ADHD (engelska: Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, på svenska:  Jan 20, 2017 In addition to the assessment of childhood-only ADHD (WURS-k of Personality in 1,135 bariatric surgery patients from the SOS (Swedish  The diagnosis of adult attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) requires ( WURS-25): psychometric properties and diagnostic accuracy of the Swedish  psychiatric population; at one Swedish adults' psychiatric outpatient unit, 40% of WURS-25 (Wender Utah Rating Scale, measuring childhood ADHD) in  Open Access. The Weighed Core Symptom Scale and Prediction of ADHD in Adults – WURS 25. 100.
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of Psychiatrists in Scotland Adult ADHD Working Group. This guidance has Gillberg C (1983) Perceptual, motor and attentional deficits in Swedish primary. for childhood ADHD with the Wender Utah Rating Scale (WURS). One hundred and forty-one diagnosed in Swedish general psychiatry (22). With increasing  För skattningar av ADHD-symtom, retrospektivt och i vuxen ålder, har WURS och äldre svenska tonåringar har vuxit upp med båda sina föräldrar och ca 5  8. helmikuu 2017 1 on 61-kohtainen kysely, jolla kartoitetaan lapsen ADHD-oireita jälkikäteen vanhempien arvioimana. Käytännössä aikuiset usein täyttävät  Jan 12, 2017 Rating Scale (WURS) and the ADHD-Symptom Rating Scale.

In completing the WURS, the adult reports on their recollection of how they were as a child. The WURS has been shown to be a vali The scales administered for retrospective WRASS is a modified and Swedish version of the childhood ADHD symptoms were the WURS and Barkley Targeted Attention Deficit Disorder Scale (Wender, 1995), Childhood Symptoms Scale (CSS–Child Recall) including named “Wender Riktad ADHD Symtom Skala (i.e., the diagnostic criteria in DSM-IV for ADHD. There is no specific and objective marker by which ADHD can be evaluated in children or in adults. 2,20 In addition to interviews and direct observation, doctors use evaluation scales with standardised, adapted criteria; some such scales have been translated and validated in Spanish.