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If I resolved your issue, please press the ":heavy_check_mark: Accept as Solution" button. Tutorial. 1. Using your blocked SIM text GET PIN to 7927 for free. Wait for a second and you will receive the PIN. 2.


Most of the NO SIM CARD error or SIM CARD NOT DETECTED occurs when the SIM card is not inserted properlyso that cell phone won't recognize SIM card. This is the most commonplace factors for this issue.

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sa youtube naka 4g na signal tapos loading ng loading mabagal pa rin tapos to TNT/SMART valid for 1 day for only P4.00 deductable on your next top-up. Can you ask something my simcard is not a 4G ? Note: Lumang SIM dapat.


0. Reports in last 20 minutes. Not Working For Me! Outage History Feb Mar Apr. Reports Dynamics EDT (GMT -04:00) The access point should be set to the correct operator for the SIM card, the device, and also the correct type, which will either be ‘pre pay’ or ‘post pay’. (Remove the SIM Card , insert an alternative SIM , re-insert the original SIM , and then select the correct APN when the pop-up appears. To set the new APN, follow the below steps) 1.

Please give my post a like if you found it helpful! If I resolved your issue, please press the ":heavy_check_mark: Accept as Solution" button. Tutorial. 1.